Breastfeeding/Pregnancy with pip implants

Most of you will know that we are very worried about the chemical toxins in PIP implants - especially those of us who share similar symptoms. Concerns are being raised every day now about our general exposure to a HUGE number of environmental toxins without realising. Some of these substances are called Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals. One has come to the attention of the European Commission recently, it`s NOT found in PIP implants. It`s called BISPHENOL A  and there are serious concerns about it. It is an EDC and there are EDCs in PIP implants ! 
"We want the authorities to look more closely at the EDC D4 in PIP implants.  For Mothers affected by PIP Breast Implants come and join the other mums on
PIP Implants - Is it safe to get pregnant with PIP implants?  
This surgery information video is all about PIPs and whether you can get pregnant if you have PIPs. Getting pregnant whilst having PIPs has no evidence against it saying it can harm your baby, but if you are aware you have PIPs, and are thinking about surgery to have them replaced then getting pregnant is not the best idea. Aurora has had patients who have had to wait until their baby has been born for a replacement of their implants as discussed within the video..

Pregnant with PIP Implants
“The RCOG takes all matters of patient safety very seriously, and in order to inform clinicians, we have produced a Scientific Impact Paper on Chemical Exposures which discusses the implications of endocrine disrupters.”

Chemical Exposures During Pregnancy (Scientific Impact Paper 37)
“This is a new Scientific Impact Paper published by the RCOG’s Scientific Advisory Committee and is designed to inform women who are pregnant or breastfeeding of the sources and routes of chemical exposure in order for them to take positive action in regard to minimising harm to their unborn child.” Read more


Women need answers to questions about breast feeding and PIP implants. In UK, just ONE sample of milk has been tested! That`s not science or reassurance or acceptable! If you can volunteer and send a breast milk sample for analysis, it will help all PIP mums everywhere!

Our world needs YOU!   

This is how the analysis works: Dr Giangiacomo Beretta is an Italian scientist working on PIP breast implant analysis. He is based at the University of Milan and has already published two important scientific studies. The breast milk samples should be collected in a small sterile container you can buy at a chemist. Fill in a symptom survey and complete your personal and PIP details. Send both to Dr Beretta in Milan.
 This is a link to the symptom survey which includes the mailing address and contact details for Dr Beretta BREAST MILK ANALYSIS 

Need help or have any questions, feel free to contact Dr Beretta or just holla!

Endocrine Disruptors in Breast Milk An analysis of Human Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors and Breast Milk Pdf download 


If you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, you should pay extra attention to chemicals, because the small child you are carrying is very sensitive to external influences
MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies
MotherToBaby, a service of the non-profit Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, is dedicated to providing evidence-based information to mothers, health care professionals, and the general public about medications and other exposures during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.Welcome to MotherToBaby Pregnancy Studies conducted by the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS). Our research data is made up of volunteers of pregnant women just like you. Studies about the effects of medications and vaccines in pregnancy are going on right now
This  is a site setup for pregnant mothers and their physicians and pharmacists in order to protect the baby, whether during pregnancy or during lactation, from any harmful unwanted effects of their medication (whether prescribed or over-the-counter).  It also provides information on maternal exposures, it being physical agents, infectious agents or diseases, and how they may effect the unborn child
Learn more;

Maternal Exposure
Pregnancy information documents on specific medications, chemicals and other exposures in pregnancy...This information is designed as an overview and is not intended to replace the care and advice of your health care provider.

Absolutely safe

MotherToBaby Fact Sheets

Bisphenol A (BPA) Information for Parents 

What Is BPA, Anyway?

Breast-feeding after implants won't cause sagging

This study should be comforting to women with implants who decide to breast-feed, and they should rest assured that their risk of postpartum sagging breasts is not significantly different than the degree of breast sagging in breast-augmented women who do not elect to breast-feed," Salomon said.

Triclosan is a synthetic (man-made) antimicrobial chemical designed to kill germs. Yet it doesn’t kill viruses, which are the causes of colds and the flu. Exposure to triclosan has been associated with some serious health concerns:   
  • It’s been linked to hormone disruption and increased risk of breast cancer.
  • It’s been found in blood and in breast milk, which means that women are passing this chemical on to their developing babies.
  • Download the triclosan fact sheet
Extra links

Founded in 2000 Netmums is the UK's fastest-growing online parenting organisation with over 1.6 million members and 6.2 million visits. Netmums is a family of local sites that cover the UK, each site offering information to mothers on everything from where to find playgroups and how to eat healthily to where to meet other mothers.  The local sites are backed by a wealth of parenting articles that start with pregnancy and follow through each stage of childhood helping mums to enjoy a happy and healthy family life.

Women's Health, UK! This site strives to improve the availability of accurate health information for women. Focusing on reproductive issues, visitors to this site will find articles on pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, PCOS, endometriosis, pregnancy complications and other issues important to a woman's well-being.